Apply to The Washington Center
1. Complete the online Application Form.
This form will ask you to submit your information and the following documents:
- A one-page resume
- A copy of your transcript (a copy of DegreeWorks will work at first, but you will need to order an official copy of your transcript for the Washington Center).
- An issues essay, not to exceed 500 words, discussing one major issue related to the field in which you wish to work. Include your personal views.
- An internship interest statement, not to exceed 100 words, describing your academic, professional and personal goals for the internship area you prefer.
- Please format all documents in PDF format.
2. Have references send Dr. Self letters AND Recommendation Forms.
- These should be from faculty or employers.
- Each reference needs to send in a letter of recommendation and a completed recommendation form.
- At least one recommendation must be from a Truman faculty member.
- Contact your recommenders as soon as possible and give them the recommendation form.
- Please format all documents in PDF format.
All documents for Spring 2020 internships should be submitted by October 9, 2019.
Once the Director of the Truman in Washington Program has received all of your application materials, you will be contacted to set up an in-person interview.
3. Interview with the Truman in Washington Board
- Expect this to take 30-45 minutes.
- We will ask you questions about the essays you submitted, what you offer to a potential employer, and what you would like to learn while in Washington, DC.
- After the interview, we will debrief you and offer suggestions for your writing and interviewing.
- After the interview is over, the board will vote on whether or not to let you proceed with your application to the Washington Center.
- The Director fo the Truman in Washington Program will e-mail you the next day and let you know what the board decided and help you go forward from there.
- You can learn more about the process and judgment criteria here.
If you have questions about any of the above, please contact Dr. Jay Self, the Director of the Truman in Washington Program.